Monday, March 22, 2010

Book Review: Animal Farm

  1. Animal Farm by George Orwell

A strange book indeed. A fable of farm animals taking the farm from the horrible human owner, Mr. Jones. But, the book has deeper meaning than that. Its an allegory, a story based off true events. In this case, the Russian Revolution and totalitarianism. The main characters, Snowball and Napoleon, the greedy, power hungry pigs, represent Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin.

Animalism, is the type of government the animals, mainly pigs, create. They made 7 Commandments to Animalism.
  1. Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy
  2. Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
  3. No animal shall wear clothes.
  4. No animal shall sleep in a bed.
  5. No animal shall drink alcohol.
  6. No animal shall kill any other animal.
  7. All animals are equal.
As the story progresses, these commandments are changed, slightly. And are explained that they were made this way since the beginning, by the propaganda master, Squealer. Except for one, they shortened the first 2 commandments to "Four legs good, Two legs bad."

I am not gonna spoil the book for those lazy people who just want to know, so go read it yourselves. But my opinion on this book is fairly good. Though I personally hate Mr. Jones, and Totalitarianism, it is a good book. I read it for school, so it wasn't my choice to read. I probably wouldn't pick it up and read it without being told too. Its an ok book, not one of my favourites. My mother, on the other hand, loves this book. I find it kinda funny how seriously George Orwell connected Communism in the book, even the minor details. The Communist flag and Animalism flag are extremely similar, such detail is amazing.




Overall, its a good book, but not the best. It can be a bit hard to understand if you can't comprehend animals revolting is the same as humans. I'm just not into books like these. I would recommend it if you are into war and Russian history, but if you can't stand fighting and slaughter, steer clear from Animal Farm. I don't think it was written for the gentle hearted. Chapter 6 and 7 kinda scared me from how cruel and "evilly"(if thats a word) the Pigs have become.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Lifeless Retards....

I sit alone and ponder. Ponder my day, my life, my love and my enemies. I realize in this time, that I didn't do nothing wrong. But, it was others setting me up to cover up their mistakes. A friend tells me, he was once like one of my enemies, but he has changed after seeing it wasn't helping anything. But there isn't much I can do, but try to ignore him. He needs to apologize, and learn he hurt too many people in the process of hiding his errors. But I don't want to be dragged back in because he has nothing better to do than harass people. Unless he is so lonely and desperate that harassing me is the only way to make him feel happy. Either way, it isn't right, nor is it fair....

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Liars. Idiots, Fools. Traitors.....etc

Yup, people now are all but good friends. Well not maybe all. Only a small bunch of trustworthy people exist. But I am stuck with mostly the assholes that have no life other than ruining what little happiness I have left in my life. So-called friends ignore everything you say and do something retarded. While you sit back and watch the steps of the hell comes back, but not to get you, to get the fools who didn't listen. All you have left is the one person who believes you, loves you, needs you. But sometimes it isn't enough to protect you 100%.

None-the-less, that small bit of love is just enough to save you from a terrible fate. A fate that will devastate the one you love...FOREVER.

Monday, October 6, 2008

YAY!!! First Post on Blog

woot!! my first post on my blog!!! YAY!!! ok now lets get this started! My Blog is my place for randomness. my life and stuff like that. yay! i'm so happy!!